
Isaiah Prophesying

caption: edição de 'Byzantine Monasteries\Chora\Paraclesion\Arches\Isaiah Prophesying'

[skozobar, (#BALKAN-MEDIA-CENTAR)]


Al Qamar

1. The Hour is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder.

2. But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say,
"This is transient magic."

3. They reject and follow their lusts but every matter has its appointed time.

4. There have already come to them Recitals wherein there is to check,

5. Mature wisdom;- but (the preaching of) Warners profits them not.


Barreto's Law

Epheméride-Link: Trinta anos - e esta noite, Este Presente - sobre mais um prego legal no caixão ex-processual de revolução al-Bortuqal

VS. For Real, Linking by kustom not by rule

Mensagem up for gurabs-linked; Pregadores dos quintos dos impérios, desantarratxai as cavilhas do Império


|OFF CLAUSES MISSIVES - (an opening rap to Tel Aviv)

De um dia tranquilo
Uma noite encantadora

De estrondos ao quilo
Estavas dentro Estás fora
D'Este assento de comboio
Bíblicos destinos
Mas se ao trigo chamas joio
E destilas d'intestinos (estás-te a armar?)

Al-hambiq's invocamos de whirling ardências
O terror está banido, if o queres fique contigo

Que te queime o maná
Que deixaste ao Deusdará.

Deus? Dá.


Crazy Dog Events


1. Act like a crazy dog. Wear sashes & other fine clothes, carry a rattle, & dance along the roads singing crazy dog songs after everybody else has gone to bed.

2. Talk crosswise: say the opposite of what you mean & make others say the opposite of what they mean in return.

3. Fight like a fool by rushing up to an enemy & offering to be killed. Dig a hole near an enemy, & when the enemy surrounds it, leap out at them & drive them back.

4. Paint yourself white, mount a white horse, cover its eyes & make it jump down a steep & rocky bank, until both of you are crushed.

UBUWEB's Ethnopoetics' Poems, From A Book of Events


Ya mán Yaman Yahman


landescape torneur

"Sangalov Pljashdervish_b"