
El Perrito

El Perrito<>

Cento Soldi - alTomar


Through Bons Sons - o que for há-de so(u?)ar

Uncalling ya bluff I'll see you(R) walk: check:



mark out any thing that takes no time
failure fails when nice is one more lie
wait a while for me to be ready
ready for the last snow
I stayed
no one
no feeling through my toes
walk on
move or I may implode
this is not called relief
at last I swallowed
wait til rainfall to countdown
making trouble
we'll be found

Denali's Relief - The Instinct (Jade Tree, 2003)


Daily One to Do

joga a bola - jogador - fora o bluff a camisola
que o que tu queres é mesmo
- de ser -
em trivelas travessões
acertar questões não meras notas
apostadas nas coisas que rolam - - em ti


Everyone's resisting - still to colour series

...Barksdale's Mississippians Opposing the Laying of the Pontoon Bridge